Frontier Technology2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00Open Journal SystemsB-Front Journal Governance Models for Enhancing E-Commerce User Satisfaction2024-12-11T04:27:40+00:00Cicilia Sriliasta Bangun Putri Riskhandinidinda.putri@raharja.infoNaomi Lyraa<p>Blockchain technology has emerged as a transformative innovation in various sectors, including e-commerce. Effective blockchain governance plays a pivotal role in enhancing user satisfaction by ensuring security, transparency, and efficiency in online transactions. However, despite its growing adoption, many e-commerce platforms face challenges in implementing governance models that fully address user expectations and technological complexities, revealing a significant gap in the literature. This study investigates the impact of blockchain governance models on e-commerce user satisfaction, with a specific focus on mediating variables such as data privacy and system trust, and moderating variables such as user technology readiness. The study employs the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method using SmartPLS software to analyze relationships between variables. Data was collected through a survey of 135 respondents, consisting of e-commerce users familiar with blockchain technology. The Result reveals that blockchain governance significantly impacts data privacy and system trust, which, in turn, influence perceived ease of use and user satisfaction. Additionally, user technology readiness moderates the relationship between blockchain governance and perceived ease of use, highlighting its importance in adoption. The Novelty of this study lies in its integration of governance frameworks with mediating and moderating variables to holistically<br />address e-commerce user satisfaction, an area underexplored in prior research. The conclusion emphasizes the need for e-commerce platforms to adopt robust blockchain governance frameworks to improve user satisfaction and gain a competitive advantage. This study contributes to the literature on blockchain applications in e-commerce and provides practical recommendations for enhancing governance and user experience.</p>2025-01-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cicilia Sriliasta Bangun Bangun, Dinda Putri Riskhandini, Naomi Lyraa of Smart Contracts in TikTok Influencer Marketing2024-12-31T04:03:17+00:00Sudadi Hidayatidiniali2000@gmail.comRosa<p>The rapid growth of TikTok as a social media platform has transformed influencer marketing, offering brands unparalleled opportunities to engage with their target audiences. However, issues such as lack of transparency, trust, and inefficiencies in payment processes remain significant challenges in influencer marketing, highlighting a critical GAP in both literature and practice. This study addresses these challenges by exploring the implementation of smart contracts, powered by blockchain technology, as a novel solution. Smart contracts provide an automated, secure, and transparent framework for managing influencer marketing campaigns. The research employs a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as the primary methode, utilizing the SmartPLS tool. Data were collected from 200 respondents who are active TikTok users and have engaged with influencer marketing campaigns. The findings reveal that credibility, informativeness, and entertainment positively affect advertising value, while irritation negatively impacts it. Furthermore, advertising value significantly influences advertising attitude, which, in turn, impacts purchase intention. Additionally, advertising attitude moderates the relationship between advertising value and purchase intention, strengthening its effect. These results and conclusions emphasize the transformative potential of smart contracts in enhancing transparency, trust, and efficiency within influencer marketing. By introducing blockchain-based solutions, this study makes a significant novelty contribution to the literature, offering practical insights for brands and marketers. Specifically, smart contracts enable brands to ensure fair compensation, accurate performance measurement, and improved campaign outcomes. This study underscores the importance of leveraging cutting edge technologies to address existing gaps in influencer marketing, ultimately paving the way for more effective and transaction.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Copyright (c) 2025 Sudadi Pranata, Fajrinoor Fanani, Dini Hidayati, Rosa Lesmana ,Zinhle Ndlovu Framework for Artificial Intelligence and Urban Sustainability2024-12-16T03:33:07+00:00Tatik Wijayaindrawijayabni@gmail.comChandra<p>The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into urban environments addresses sustainability challenges like resource management, transportation efficiency, and waste reduction. However, critical need for a robust ethical framework to ensure equitable and environmentally responsible implementation. The method proposed emphasizes a combination of community involvement, fairness, and resilience, integrating ethical principles with practical strategies to maximize societal benefits, and incorporates the use of SmartPLS for structural equation modeling to analyze the relationships between ethical principles, sustainability dimensions, and urban outcomes. A significant GAP exists in current frameworks, which often focus solely on individual-level ethics and fail to address the dynamic, systemic challenges posed by fragile social systems and the uneven global structure. The novelty of this approach lies in its comprehensive vision that interlinks human-centered and collectivist-oriented development, bridging socio economic, environmental, and technological dimensions of sustainability. The proposed ethical framework not only mitigates risks but also fosters inclusive and resilient urban ecosystems, aligning digital innovations with the complex interconnections of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 (on sustainable cities).</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Tatik Mariyanti, Indra Wijaya, Eamon Fletcher, Chandra Lukita, Sandy Setiawan Role of Blockchain Technology and Financial Literacy in Shaping Cryptocurrency Investment Decisions2024-12-16T03:24:42+00:00Ahmad Jayanegaraoscar.fe@uph.eduRion<p>The rapid growth of cryptocurrency markets has raised important questions about how investors make decisions in this highly volatile space. This research investigates the role of blockchain technology and financial literacy in shaping cryptocurrency investment decisions, focusing on how these factors influence investor behavior and risk management. The study aims to explore how blockchain’s decentralized nature provides security and transparency in cryptocurrency transactions and how a higher level of financial literacy can improve decision making among investors. A mixed-method approach was used, combining a quantitative survey of 300 cryptocurrency investors with qualitative interviews from 15 experienced market participants. The survey assessed financial literacy levels, understanding of blockchain technology, and investment decision-making, while the interviews provided deeper insights into how these factors interconnect. The findings indicate that blockchain technology perceived security and transparency significantly enhance investor confidence, while higher financial literacy levels correlate with more informed and strategic investment decisions. Furthermore, investors with both high blockchain knowledge and financial literacy are better at managing risk and avoiding common pitfalls in the market. The study concludes that both blockchain technology and financial literacy are crucial in shaping effective cryptocurrency investment strategies. Policymakers and financial educators should focus on improving fi- nancial literacy to empower investors and ensure better market stability. This research provides valuable insights for the development of educational frame- works and policies to support informed decision-making in cryptocurrency investments.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Gunawan, Hilda, Oscar Jayanegara, Rion Wang of IoT and AI Based on ESP32CAM to Support Sustainable Mobility in Smart Cities2024-12-25T15:29:34+00:00Mohammad Arsla Ramahdanfikri.arsla@raharja.infoTessa Hidayat Dwi Saputraachmadhds11@gmail.comHenrik<p>Sustainable mobility is a crucial component of smart city development, aiming to create an efficient, ecofriendly, and high quality urban environment. The rapid urbanization and increasing vehicle numbers have led to traffic congestion, high carbon emissions, and inefficient public transportation systems. To address these challenges, integrating Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, particularly through the ESP32CAM platform, offers innovative solutions for realtime monitoring, analysis, and management of transportation systems. This study aims to develop an intelligent mobility system that leverages ESP32CAM as the primary device for capturing visual data, including traffic density, vehicle tracking, and parking area occupancy. The collected data is processed using AI algorithms to generate insights, such as traffic pattern predictions and alternative route recommendations. The gap in existing smart mobility solutions lies in their high implementation costs and limited adaptability to developing regions. this study introduces an affordable and flexible system that optimizes transportation efficiency by up to 30%, reducing travel time and carbon emissions while enhancing public transportation management. The results indicate that implementing this system significantly contributes to sustainable urban development by improving mobility, reducing environmental impact, and accelerating the transformation towards smart cities, especially in developing countries where cost-effective solutions are essential.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mohammad Annas, fikri Arsla Ramahdan, Tessa Handra, Achmad Hidayat Dwi Saputra, Henrik Jensen Blockchain Based IoT Integration for Sustainable Mobility in Smart Cities2025-01-06T08:38:55+00:00Ria Sari Pamungkas nurul Aprilliaariesya.aprillia@eco.maranatha.eduKamal Arif<p>This research highlights the critical role of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and data analytics in fostering sustainable mobility within the Smart City concept. The primary objective is to examine how IoT sensors and real-time data analysis can optimize transportation efficiency while promoting environmental sustainability. The proposed Method involves integrating IoT sensors across urban infrastructure to collect realtime data on traffic patterns, air quality, and travel behavior, which is then analyzed using advanced data analytics techniques. The gap addressed in this study lies in the limited empirical evidence regarding the practical implementation of IoT and data analytics in improving urban mobility and environmental outcomes. The novelty of this research is in developing a predictive model that leverages IoT data to optimize public transportation routes, reduce congestion, and lower carbon emissions. Preliminary results suggest significant benefits, including a 25% reduction in emissions and a 40% increase in travel efficiency, demonstrating the potential of IoT-driven analytics in transforming urban mobility. The findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of sustainable transportation solutions within smart cities, offering a data driven approach to enhance public transportation networks and minimize environmental impact, ultimately paving the way for a more efficient and eco friendly urban ecosystem</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ria Sari Pamungkas, Aan Kanivia, Ariesya Aprillia, Kamal Arif Al-Farouqi Security and Privacy in Blockchain Systems for Tax Administration2025-01-03T03:50:56+00:00Mardianamardiana@raharja.infoAsep Sutarmanasepsutarmanmahcpud@gmail.comDyah Juliastutidyahjuliastuti@hotmail.comIstiqomah Patricia<p>This research aims to analyze the implementation of blockchain technology in tax administration to improve taxpayer compliance and state revenue. The research method used involves a literature study, secondary data analysis, and interviews with experts in taxation and blockchain technology. The background of this research is the challenges faced by the government in minimizing tax non-compliance and improving the efficiency of tax administration. The main object is to evaluate the potential of blockchain as a solution to create transparency, security, and accountability in the tax system. The method used is a quantitative approach through distributing questionnaires to 11 respondents consisting of the directorate general of taxation, taxation employees, the public as service users. Results show that blockchain implementation can reduce the risk of data manipulation, increase taxpayer confidence through transparency, and support more accurate reporting and monitoring. In addition, the use of smart contracts can simplify taxation processes, such as automatic tax calculation and direct payments. The conclusion of this study confirms that blockchain has significant potential to improve tax compliance and revenue, but challenges such as implementation costs, regulations, and infrastructure readiness need to be considered. This research provides recommendations for the government to consider a phased implementation strategy with pilot projects to ensure the successful application of blockchain technology in tax administration.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mardiana, Asep Sutarman, Dyah Juliastuti, Istiqomah Yati, Lucy Patricia Pasha Personalized Learning Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches2025-01-21T09:12:51+00:00Shaumiwaty Shaumiwatyshaumiwaty26@gmail.comMochamad Heru Riza Chakimheru.riza@raharja.infoHeni<p>The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has revolutionized the education landscape, shifting paradigms toward individualized and optimized learning environments. By harnessing AI predictive power and ML adaptive capabilities, educational outcomes are enhanced while equipping teachers with data driven insights for informed decision making. The primary objective of this research is to explore how customized learning environments, ML models, performance measurement, and AI algorithms improve educational outcomes and learning experiences. Despite the rapid advancements in AI driven education, a gap exists in the integration of AI powered personalization with statistical validation techniques like SmartPLS, particularly in evaluating its direct impact on student engagement and performance. The novelty of this study lies in its emphasis on AI driven customization in learning, utilizing advanced statistical validation techniques to provide empirical support for personalized education models. The method involves a survey based approach combined with SmartPLS statistical modeling to analyze correlations between AI driven learning adaptations and educational outcomes. The findings from the result and discussion indicate a positive impact of AI algorithms and ML models on academic success, individualized learning, and improved performance measures, with most hypotheses yielding significant results. These insights align with emerging trends in personalized and adaptable learning and technological advancements, such as immersive experiences and the integration of virtual reality. By addressing the research gap and validating AI driven learning models through SmartPLS, this study contributes to the growing body of knowledge in AI enhanced education, demonstrating the effectiveness of intelligent, data-driven learning environments in fostering better academic performance and engagement.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Shaumiwaty Shaumiwaty, Mochamad Heru Riza Chakim, Heni Nurhaeni, Victorianda Comprehensive Framework for Enhancing Blockchain Security and Privacy2025-01-06T08:53:02+00:00Faisal Raihana Putrisausan@raharja.infoAulia<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Blockchain technology has gained widespread adoption across various industries due to its decentralized and transparent nature. However, its inherent characteristics, such as immutability and openness, expose the system to critical security threats and privacy concerns. This study aims to develop a comprehensive framework to enhance blockchain security and privacy, addressing prevalent challenges such as data breaches, transaction anonymity, and resistance to cyberattacks. The proposed framework integrates advanced cryptographic techniques, including Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), Secure Multi Party Computation (SMPC), and enhanced encryption protocols, alongside innovative consensus mechanisms to improve system robustness. A simulation-based evaluation and a real-world case study were conducted to validate the framework. The results demonstrate significant improvements in mitigating security vulnerabilities, such as 51% attacks and double spending, while ensuring enhanced privacy through anonymized data handling and confidentiality-preserving transactions. Furthermore, the case study confirmed the framework's practicality and adaptability across diverse applications. These findings highlight the proposed framework's potential to establish a secure and privacy-preserving blockchain ecosystem, offering a solid foundation for future research and implementation in both public and private blockchain networks.</span></p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Faisal Yusuf, Riya Widayanti, Sausan Raihana Putri, Aulia Wellington Blockchain Digital Signature Security in Driving Innovation and Sustainable Infrastructure2025-01-07T03:04:35+00:00Agung Rizkyagungrizky@raharja.infoRayhan Wahyu Nugrohorayhan.wahyu@raharja.infoWahyu<p>Indonesia experienced a significant spike in cyberattacks, averaging 158 attacks per second, indicating a high risk for digital systems, especially in the government and business sectors. The large number of attacks has caused financial losses and damaged public trust, indicating that data protection is not optimal. Traditional authentication systems based on centralized servers increase the risk of document leaks and forgery. To address this, this study proposes a Blockchain-based digital signature solution called AlphaSign. This technology strengthens data resilience and document verification reliability with an Agile Scrum approach, enabling iterations that are responsive to user needs. Alpha Sign aims to create a secure Blockchain-based digital signature system, prevent document forgery, and accelerate verification through QR code automation. This system supports the development of sustainable digital infrastructure, in line with the SDGs, especially Goal 9 (Infrastructure Innovation) and Goal 16 (Resilient Institutions). With Blockchain technology, Alpha Sign records each signature in a decentralized manner, reduces the risk of hacking, and enables real-time document verification through QR codes, providing security and transparency for large agencies and the public sector.</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Agung Rizky, Rayhan Wahyu Nugroho, Wahyu Sejati, Mumpuni, Omar Sy