Frontier Technology2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Open Journal SystemsB-Front Journal Implementation of Blockchain Technology in the Education Sector2023-12-07T03:40:24+00:00Wahyu Nur Wahidnur.wahid@raharja.infoWidhy setyowatiwidhisetyowati61@gmail.comWahyu<p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The development of technology, especially with the introduction of 5G cellular </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">networks, has had a significant impact on ubiquitous computing. In this context, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">blockchain technology plays a crucial role by providing security assurance to </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">operating systems through distributed ledgers. This research explores the appli</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">cations of blockchain in education, focusing on solving issues in the teaching </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">learning process, protecting intellectual property rights, certifying course cred</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">its, issuing digital certificates, and sharing resources. The research employs data </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">collection methods, and the analysis of blockchain’s advantages and features, </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">as well as its current applications, reveals its benefits in the field of education. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The results and discussions reflect the challenges and potential of implementing </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">blockchain technology, emphasizing the need for careful consideration regard</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">ing data security.</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">The conclusion states that blockchain can be successfully </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">applied in education, provided it is understood and implemented with precision. </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">This significantly contributes to meeting the needs and demands of contempo</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">rary education.</span></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Nur Wahid, Widhy setyowati Of Digital Indonesian Rupiah Through Blockchain Technology2023-12-08T15:32:51+00:00Lista<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the current era of the fourth industrial revolution (Revolution 4.0), money plays a central role in various aspects of life, where all forms of goods and services require transactions involving currency. Money serves as a crucial element influencing economic dynamics and acts as a primary parameter in determining monetary policies across different nations. With time, the evolution of the economy, and the increasingly complex human behavior, the concept of money undergoes a significant transformation. It initially originated from barter systems, subsequently evolving into metal coins and paper currency as the official means of exchange to meet the necessities of life. This research focuses on the latest currency model introduced by Bank Indonesia, namely the digital rupiah based on blockchain technology. The study aims to explore the foundation for the government's establishment of digital currency and to elucidate whether conventional currency is presently adequate to fulfill human transaction needs. The research methodology employed is qualitative descriptive with a literature review approach, where the author endeavors to elaborate in detail on the digital rupiah. The research findings conclude that the government's introduction of the digital rupiah aims to provide a modern solution to the inefficiencies of the payment system and financial infrastructure. This digital currency also functions as a tool to directly monitor inflation rates and enables the implementation of monetary policies that can be directly experienced by the public.</span></em></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Tatik Mariyanti, Lista Meria Human Resource Competency in Indonesia through the Framework of Artificial Intelligence System Strategy2023-12-25T16:44:44+00:00Anggy Giri Aditya PrabowoDimas.prabowo@raharja.infoCicilia<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the increasingly evolving era of digitalization, technology plays a crucial role. The world is currently undergoing the technological era, commonly known as the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. This condition is directly marked by the utilization of digital machines and the internet, leading to rapid and significant changes across various sectors of human life, facilitating people in performing various tasks. The digital transformation era is a part of a larger technological process, representing the application of digital technology in different aspects of societal life. Artificial intelligence is a field of study that explores how to make computers perform tasks similarly to humans. A framework for artificial intelligence systems is required for application in the development of knowledge, technology, and the arts in Indonesia. This paper aims to discuss the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) framework in the development of artificial intelligence systems. It is expected that this framework can serve as a reference for the implementation of intelligent systems in Indonesia.</span></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Anggy Giri Prawiyogi; Dimas Aditya Prabowo; Cicilia Sriliasta Security Transformation: The Significant Role of Blockchain Technology2023-12-28T03:41:42+00:00Archa EricaArchaca@adi-journal.orgSilva Wulandarisilva@gmail.comRiya<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital transformation has become a global trend that has reshaped the way businesses and governments operate worldwide. In Indonesia, both the government and the private sector are expediting digital transformation by embracing blockchain technology as a solution to enhance data security in daily operations. Several blockchain projects in Indonesia have been undertaken, such as the verification and validation of educational certificates, medical data storage, and payment systems. However, the implementation of blockchain technology in Indonesia is still facing various challenges, including unclear regulations, limited infrastructure, and a lack of understanding about blockchain technology. Therefore, support from all stakeholders is necessary to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology in Indonesia. Further research and development must be conducted to maximize the potential of blockchain technology and hasten digital transformation in the country.</span></em></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Archa Erica, Silva Wulandari, Riya Widayantir Academic Platforms: The Future of Education in the Age of Blockchain2023-12-28T07:26:04+00:00Berlin Ramadhantarisya@raharja.infoAlwiyahalwiyahmahdaliy@yahoo.comEfa Ayu<p>Despite referring to two different phenomena, the phrases "decentralized organization" and "distributed organization" are sometimes used synonymously. I suggest separating distribution the dispersion of organizational decision-making from decentralization, which I define as the dispersion of organizational communications. The distribution of an organization does not necessarily imply its decentralization (and vice versa), because the presence of many management tiers impacts only distribution, not decentralization. Understanding the rise of digital platforms like, which control the global economy in the twenty-first century, has consequences for this proposed differentiation. Blockchain has arisen as an alternative technological framework. However, well-known platforms often use machine learning as their primary technology to translate inputs (such as data) into outputs (such as matchmaking services). I contend that machine learning encourages centralized communications and the concentration of decision-making, whereas blockchain provides platforms that are simultaneously decentralized and distributed (such as Bitcoin). This distinction has significant implications for antitrust policy, which, in my opinion, should instead concentrate on the data level for both its analysis and its target of action. My predictions for the future of competition between centralized and decentralized platforms, the development of governmental regulation, and broader ramifications for managers in the digital economy and the business schools responsible for their education are all based on the framework of this essay. I end by reflecting on the chance to renew cybernetic theory to stop a future where a small number of platform behemoths rule supreme.</p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Berlin Any, Tarisya Ramadhan, Alwiyah, Efa Ayu Nabila Business Model Strategies in Facing Changes in Big Data and Blockchain Technology: A Business Model Canvas Approach2023-12-29T18:10:52+00:00Natalie Septianinatalie_septiani@ijiis.asiaAlice Angelina Bitsynatalie_septiani@ijiis.asiaOscar<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Currently, the world is undergoing a transformation towards the era of digitization and automation, which serves as a key element in business competition strategies, including in the logistics sector. The use of data for organizational decision-making has become an integral part of digitization and automation. Big Data and Blockchain technologies are now being applied in various business sectors to enhance the efficiency of business processes and impact business models, creating new transformations that align with global business developments. These changes are analyzed both internally and externally using the Business Model Canvas (BMC). A SWOT analysis of the changes in the business model is necessary to provide a detailed depiction of the new business processes. The results of the analysis indicate that: first, technological advancements, especially in Big Data and Blockchain, continue to disrupt businesses to improve optimal performance; second, the implementation of Big Data and Blockchain results in both internal and external changes related to intra- and inter-organizational relationships; third, a SWOT analysis can detail the advantages of Big Data and Blockchain technologies in the business sector, particularly in logistics.</span></em></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alice Angelina Bitsy of the Public Blockchain Technology System in the Future to Increase Tourist Visits in Tangerang City2023-12-29T18:07:46+00:00Aropria<div class="ff5"> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research discusses the implementation of a public blockchain technology system in the future to enhance tourist visits to the city of Tangerang. The research method used is qualitative with a content analysis approach, involving the participation of relevant stakeholders, including the Tourism Office, travel agencies, destination managers, and tourists. The research findings indicate that the use of a public blockchain system, focusing on the concepts of decentralization, security, and cost reduction, has the potential to significantly increase tourist visits to the city of Tangerang. This method enables the involvement of the entire tourism ecosystem, strengthening trust and transparency, and providing innovative solutions to enhance the tourist experience. The conclusion of this research emphasizes that the implementation of blockchain technology in the tourism sector can be a key driver of industry growth and create a sustainable ecosystem. It is expected that these findings contribute to stakeholders in planning and implementing innovative solutions to enhance the attractiveness of Tangerang City as a tourist destination.</span></em></p> </div>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suryari Purnama of ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence in Learning2023-12-30T17:42:49+00:00Gabriela Jacksonstuart.jackson@adi-journal.orgZabenaso<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Learning media is a means that can improve the quality and provide convenience in teaching and learning activities for teaching staff and students. One form of technology-based learning media that is widely used is ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Training Transformer), an artificial intelligence system that allows conversational interaction via text. ChatGPT has the ability to respond to human questions written in the application. Its functions include helping students understand complex subject matter, addressing gaps in understanding, and increasing learning effectiveness. Its appeal to teachers and students lies in its structured answers and ability to solve problems quickly. This research uses the literature study method, an approach that involves in-depth analysis of literature or references. The focus of this research is to review the implementation of ChatGPT in learning, starting from the procedures for using the application, advantages and disadvantages, to the use of prompts so that teachers and students can utilize this media effectively. Therefore, it is hoped that this research can provide answers regarding relevance, more accurate information, and guidelines for using ChatGPT in a learning context. The importance of integrating technology in learning with an appropriate and effective approach, as well as developing competence for teachers in managing technology-based learning, is an important point in this context</span></em></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Nicola Economic Opportunities: Business and Blockchain Technology Introduction for Communities2023-12-30T17:46:10+00:00Kora Fitra Putri Naomi LyraaNaomiLyraa@adi-journal.orgGreisy<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to investigate the potential utilization of economic opportunities through the introduction of business and blockchain technology within the community. The research methodology involves literature analysis, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and the implementation of business and blockchain technology concepts on a small scale as a case study. The literature analysis provides in-depth insights into how the implementation of blockchain technology can broaden economic opportunities across various sectors. Stakeholder interviews engage local business players, technology experts, and community representatives to obtain a comprehensive perspective. The practical implementation of business and blockchain technology concepts on a small scale offers a hands-on understanding of the potential benefits and challenges that the community may encounter in leveraging these economic opportunities. Discussions involve the evaluation of implementation, identification of barriers, and recommendations for further development. The research findings underscore that the introduction of business and blockchain technology can serve as a vital catalyst for stimulating community economic growth. The conclusion of this study encourages a deeper understanding of the potential and challenges of implementing this technology and formulating strategies that support community economic development through the utilization of available opportunities.</span></em></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kora Fitra Putri Oganda Of The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education2023-12-30T17:47:29+00:00Abigail LeffiaAbigailleffia@adi-journal.orgAlexander Chou Rizky Fredrin<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Higher education is currently undergoing significant digital transformation, with artificial intelligence (AI) emerging as a key innovation shaping this change. This research elaborates on the implementation and impact of AI in the context of higher education. The discussion encompasses the influence of AI on the learning process, improvements in administrative efficiency, and shifts in the education paradigm. The research also explores specific AI applications, such as adaptive learning, sentiment analysis, and data management, which substantially enrich student learning experiences and support decision-making in higher education institutions. While the benefits are substantial, the research also highlights challenges and issues that may arise, including privacy concerns, data security, and the integration of technology into academic curricula. In conclusion, the implementation of artificial intelligence in higher education has the potential to be a cornerstone in shaping students who are prepared for the demands of knowledge-based societies and contributing to the development of a more adaptive and innovative education system.</span></em></p>2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abigail Leffia