Application of RESTful Method with JWT Security and Haversine Algorithm on Web Service-Based Teacher Attendance System
RESTful Method, JWT Security, Haversine Algorithm, Web Service, Teacher Attendance SystemAbstract
A teacher attendance system utilizing fingerprints has been implemented at Ponpes Daarul Muttaqien II. However, fingerprint recognition errors frequently occur if the scanner is unclean. Teachers fill out an attendance update form for various reasons, including forgotten attendance, damaged fingerprints, and unnoticed absences. The Human Resources Bureau receives updates from around 28 instructors within one week. Statistics reveal that 30% of instructors update due to finger injuries preventing recognition, and 70% due to forgetting. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations advise remote work. Similarly, only specific sections, like technical and security units, require attendance at Ponpes Daarul Muttaqien II. Due to the potential risks of linking fingerprints to virus transmission, this study proposes a web-based attendance system. It employs the RESTful API approach, JWT Security, and the Haversine Formula Algorithm. The system mandates employees to be within 100 meters of a designated coordinate point for attendance. The system tracks attendance status, arrival and delay times, and absence status. Future enhancements might involve facial recognition for more robust validation. In conclusion, this innovative approach addresses attendance challenges, offering adaptability, security, and potential fraud prevention.
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