Article Publishing Charges (APCs)

Article Publishing Charges (APCs)

Irrespective of the publishing model chosen by the author, our goal is to ensure articles are published as quickly as possible, subject to appropriate quality controls, and widely disseminated. Where an author has chosen to publish open access, which typically involves the upfront payment of an article publishing charge (APC), we'll also make their articles available immediately and freely available after all, with the author's choice of user license attached to it. ITALIC's APC prices are set on a per journal basis, fees $100 US Dollars, excluding tax, with prices clearly displayed on our APC price list and on journal homepages.

Adjustments in ITALIC's APC prices are under regular review and are subject to change. We set APC prices based on the following criteria which are applied to open access articles only: Journal quality; The journal’s editorial and technical processes; Competitive considerations; Market conditions; Other revenue streams associated with the journal. A small percentage of titles may also support more than one APC, for example when a journal supports one or more article types that require different APCs.