About the Journal

International Transactions on Education Technology (ITEE), p-ISSN: 2686-6285, e-ISSN: 2715-0461 is an interdisciplinary publication of original scientific articles and writing on education platform, to scholars and experts around the world related to learning methodologies, gamification, learning platform, education technology, and management education. ITEE issued 2 (two) times on May and November. All URL of published articles will have a digital object identifier (DOI : 10.34306)

In addition to original research articles, International Transactions on Education Technology (ITEE) publishes reviews, mini-reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, and commentaries, thereby providing a platform for reports and discussions on cutting edge perspectives in the domain of entrepreneurship. All submitted papers will undergo the strict double-blind peer-reviewing process. The Journal is dedicated to publishing manuscripts via a rapid, impartial, and rigorous review process. Once accepted, manuscripts are approved free online open-access instantly upon publication, allowing users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts, thus providing access to a broad readership.
 Jurnal Title  :  International Transactions on Education Technology (ITEE)
 Frequency  :  Monthly | more info
 Language  :  English
 ISSN  :  e-ISSN : 2715-0461 , p-ISSN : 2686-6285
 APC  : $100 (submission, publishing) | more info
 Contact  :  itee@pandawan.id| more info
 DOI  : https://doi.org/10.34306/itee.v1i1https://doi.org/10.34306/itee.v1i1
 Editor-in-chief  :  Prof. Dr. Ir. Untung Rahardja, M.T.I., MM., SMIEEE
 Publisher  :  Pandawan Sejahtera Indonesia
 Citation Analysis  :  Scopus,  Google Scholar
 For hardcopy order  :  Here
 Partners  :  ITALIC