Exploring the Components of Management Information Systems: Software, Database, and Brainware - A Literature Review


  • Nova Ramadhona universitas raharja
  • Ita Erliyani
  • Rosdiana




Management Information System, Database, Brainware


A more in-depth information system is often referred to as a sub-system, which is a more specific component of a larger system. Information systems have close relationships and interdependencies with other sub-systems, making them inseparable from one another. An information system is just one component of various existing sub-systems, managed as property by a specific institution, organization, or company. Previous research or relevant studies aim to strengthen theories or phenomena related to the influence among variables. This article is structured using a qualitative method sourced from previous research literature by experts. The review's findings reveal components influencing Management Information Systems, namely: Software, Database, and Human Resources (Brainware). The results of this literature review indicate that 1) Software has an impact on Management Information Systems; 2) Databases also influence Management Information Systems; and 3) Human Resources also affect Management Information Systems.




How to Cite

Ramadhona, N., Erliyani, I., & Rosdiana. (2023). Exploring the Components of Management Information Systems: Software, Database, and Brainware - A Literature Review. International Transactions on Education Technology (ITEE), 2(1), 65–70. https://doi.org/10.33050/itee.v2i1.416