The Impact of AI on Personalized Learning and Educational Analytics


  • Gabriel Silva Rey Zone Incorporation
  • Gelard Godwin REY Incorporation
  • Oscar Jayanagara Trisakti University



AI-Driven Personalized Learning, Educational Data Analytics, Learning Systems, Student Engagement, Education Systems


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized personalized learning and educational analytics, presenting new opportunities and challenges for adaptive education. This paper explores the impact of AI-driven technologies in creating personalized learning environments by examining how adaptive algorithms and data analytics shape educational experiences. The primary objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of AI in enhancing learner engagement and outcomes through tailored instructional methods. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, this research gathers quantitative data from learning management systems to analyze engagement metrics, while qualitative insights are derived from interviews with educators and students. The findings indicate that AI-driven personalized learning significantly improves both student motivation and academic performance by adapting content to individual learning needs. Moreover, educational analytics enabled by AI offer educators critical insights into student progress, enabling proactive intervention and support. However, the study also highlights concerns regarding data privacy and the potential over-reliance on AI technologies in educational settings. These findings suggest that while AI holds transformative potential, a balanced approach is necessary to integrate technology with traditional teaching methods to ensure optimal educational outcomes. The study concludes that AI can serve as a powerful tool in enhancing personalized learning and educational analytics, provided that ethical considerations and data security are prioritized.


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How to Cite

Silva, G., Godwin, G., & Jayanagara, O. (2024). The Impact of AI on Personalized Learning and Educational Analytics. International Transactions on Education Technology (ITEE), 3(1), 36–46.