International Transactions on Education Technology en-US Mon, 28 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Prototype of Water Level and Rainfall Detection System as Flood Warning Based On Blynk Iot Application <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Rainfall in the rainy season can last for about six months, resulting in continuous rain and increasing the amount of water that causes flooding. The community does not directly get information or be informed when it rains. To anticipate these problems, the Prototype of Water Level and Rainfall Detection System as a Flood Warning Based on the Blynk IoT Application is considered effective for developing a rainfall and water level monitoring system. By using the tool design method, flowchart, system analysis (SDLC), and testing using the black box testing method. The system detects the distance between the sensor and the water surface. If the distance to the water level is close to the sensor, the system will report a flood and then switch to the Blynk software. The mobile will display a message and the system can enter all distances into the program.</span></em></p> Muhammad Faisal, zahra mutiara, Syahrul Awwal Miftah Hidayat, Ardhy Rinaldi Basrida, Mochammad Tedy Fazrin Copyright (c) 2023 International Transactions on Education Technology Mon, 28 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Web-based Information Systems and Knowledge Management's Impact on Worker Performance <p><em>The process of doing a literature review involves learning about and examining the findings of research that has been published by researchers in relation to earlier bodies of knowledge. Activities that involve reviewing the literature might improve knowledge-building in relation to ongoing research. with the investigation being made. Making an effective and accurate literature review requires using relevant research and the findings of prior studies. study findings The findings of earlier studies and pertinent research are helpful in bolstering theories, notions, and phenomena connected to and influencing the generation of variables. the development of variables through connected and influencing processes. The performance of a company's employees is reviewed in this article in detail company. These elements include knowledge management, web-based information systems, and literature reviews. The Executive Support System (ESS) for Business is the subject of an information system, knowledge management, and literature review. The effects of web-based information systems on employee performance and knowledge management on employee performance are just a few of the outcomes that can be gained via literature research efforts</em></p> Sitti Wan Fazirah binti Ambo'Miri, Bayu Wijaya Kusuma, Asih Nur Halimah Copyright (c) 2023 Sitti Wan Fazirah binti Ambo'Miri, Bayu Wijaya Kusuma, Asih Nur Halimah Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Circular Economy's Performance and the Impact of Digitalization <p>The acceleration of economic transition towards a more sustainable circular production system is a pressing global concern. This study addresses the scarcity of empirical research on the impact of digitization on circular economy efficiency. It investigates the influence of digitization on the effectiveness of circular economy practices through an empirical analysis of quantitative data obtained from 200 participants within the financial sector of Kozani, Greece. The results, derived from regression analysis, reveal a significant and positive association between digital business practices and circular economy performance. Notably, industrial firms that prioritize digitalization exhibit a notably higher adoption rate of new business innovations for resource efficiency. These findings underscore the strong connection between digitalization and circular economy performance, highlighting the potential for digitalization to catalyze the development of circular business models. This research contributes to our understanding of the pivotal role that digitization plays in advancing sustainable circular economies</p> Isaac Khong Copyright (c) 2023 Isaac Khong Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Information Technology Development's Impact On Library Services <p><em>The purpose of this study is to find out how library services will be affected by advances in information technology.&nbsp; This research examines the various services offered by the library as well as the facilities and technology used there.&nbsp; A descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. Direct observation and interviews were used as data collection methods in this study. In addition, there was an opportunity for the researchers to ask some questions regarding the research that had been conducted. The library director participated in this research. The services provided by the library are a combination of manual and technological services. The main way information technology affects library services is by making it easier for library staff to do their jobs, attracting more visitors, and modernizing the facilities offered by the library.</em></p> syifaa fauziyyah, Rahma Ayu Febriyanti, Tio Nurtino, Muhamad Lutfi Huzaifah, Dhiyah Ayu Rini Kusumawardhani Copyright (c) 2022 Syifaa Fauziyyah, Rahma Ayu Febriyanti , Tio Nurtino , Muhamad Lutfi Huzaifah, Dhiyah Ayu Rini Kusumawardhani Wed, 13 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Development of android-based educational games about the domain of educational technology <p><em>This research aims to produce an Android game product containing TP Domain material that is feasible as an alternative learning media for Raharja University students. The feasibility value is known through expert assessment, potential users, and learning usability. Product development was carried out through five main stages: preliminary study, planning, design, development, and evaluation. Data collection was carried out by preliminary study interviews, learning style identification, expert validation, potential user validation, and experimental testing. The number of respondents consisted of one lecturer, two media and material experts, and 60 students. The results showed that the developed product has met the eligibility criteria of media validation, material, prospective users, and usability testing. The material expert's assessment falls into the very feasible category, while media experts and prospective users fall into the feasible category. The product is also proven to have usability based on the difference in the average pretest and posttest scores of the two test groups, so that the comparison of the gain values shows a significant difference</em></p> Jason Moscato Copyright (c) 2023 Jason Moscato Fri, 22 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Assessing the Factors Influencing Cybersecurity Effectiveness: A PLS-SEM Approach <p>In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the imperative of robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data, systems, and operations cannot be overstated. This research undertakes a comprehensive evaluation of the intricate factors that collectively contribute to cybersecurity effectiveness within organizational contexts. Employing the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) methodology, this research dissect the complex relationships among pivotal constructs including Security Measures Effectiveness, Incident Response Capability, Vulnerability Management, User Training Impact, Security Policy Adherence, External Threat Mitigation, Data Protection Effectiveness, and System Resilience. Through data derived from surveys and meticulous assessments, our analysis utilizes PLS-SEM to quantitatively scrutinize how these constructs interconnect and impact the overarching goal of cybersecurity: the proactive prevention, swift detection, and effective mitigation of cyber threats. By elucidating the constructs with the most significant influence, our study not only enhances scholarly discourse but also empowers organizations to refine cybersecurity strategies, strengthen user training initiatives, and implement robust policies in alignment with the ever-adapting threat landscape. Ultimately, this research furnishes organizations with insights to bolster their cybersecurity defenses, fortify digital assets, and counteract the escalating sophistication of cyber threats.</p> Sulistio Sulistio Copyright (c) 2023 Sulistio Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Unleashing Uncharted Horizons: The Parallel Evolution of AI and Historic Technological Shifts <p><em>T</em><em>he transformative impact of technological innovation in warfare through historical examples of Tanks and Airplanes emerging from World War I. It highlights the swift evolution from invention to weaponization, emphasizing the potential for unexpected consequences. Drawing parallels with the nascent AI technology, the abstract discusses its uncertain role in shaping the future, including its current applications in warfare and governance. It underscores the growing influence of AI across sectors, especially in the military domain with instances like Ukraine. Amid a global shift towards AI adoption, led by major nations, the abstract underscores the emergence of a potentially perilous AI technology race, raising concerns about its capabilities and vulnerabilities, including scenarios of rogue actions with catastrophic implications.</em></p> Dutta Niham Copyright (c) 2023 International Transactions on Education Technology Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Components of Management Information Systems: Software, Database, and Brainware - A Literature Review <p><em>A more in-depth information system is often referred to as a sub-system, which is a more specific component of a larger system. Information systems have close relationships and interdependencies with other sub-systems, making them inseparable from one another. An information system is just one component of various existing sub-systems, managed as property by a specific institution, organization, or company. Previous research or relevant studies aim to strengthen theories or phenomena related to the influence among variables. This article is structured using a qualitative method sourced from previous research literature by experts. The review's findings reveal components influencing Management Information Systems, namely: Software, Database, and Human Resources (Brainware). The results of this literature review indicate that 1) Software has an impact on Management Information Systems; 2) Databases also influence Management Information Systems; and 3) Human Resources also affect Management Information Systems.</em></p> Nova Ramadhona, Ita Erliyani, Rosdiana Copyright (c) 2023 International Transactions on Education Technology Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Blockchain Technology as the Latest Solution to Improve Data Security and Integrity <p><em>Blockchain technology represents an innovative solution for enhancing data security across various sectors. This research aims to examine the potential and challenges of blockchain technology in data security. The methodology employed involves a comprehensive literature review of up-to-date and relevant sources discussing the concepts, characteristics, types, and applications of blockchain technology, as well as the data security aspects associated with it. The findings of this study reveal that blockchain technology offers several advantages in data security, such as transparency, decentralization, immutability, and cryptography. However, it also confronts several obstacles, including scalability, interoperability, privacy, and regulatory concerns. This research offers recommendations and implications for addressing these challenges, such as the development of appropriate protocols and standards, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and raising public awareness about the benefits and risks of blockchain technology. It is anticipated that this research will contribute to the development and future implementation of blockchain technology in data security</em></p> M. Adhit Dwi Yuda, Sri Watini Copyright (c) 2023 M. Adhit Dwi Yuda Wed, 18 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Security Frameworks with Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity <p>Cybersecurity, in the digital era we live in today, has become a major concern that demands innovation. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have played a central role in changing the way we understand and address cyber threats. This research will review the important role of innovation in this technology in improving an organization's ability to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber attacks. Identifying patterns and gaining insights from security events in cyber data, while developing appropriate data-based models, is a key element in realizing automated and intelligent security systems. This research reviews needs in the cyber security domain that can be addressed through Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. In this study, we employed quantitative methods to assess the impact of artificial intelligence on enhancing cybersecurity by distributing questionnaires to 85 respondents, which included companies operating in the banking and IT sectors. In addition, this research will explore how data-based intelligent decision-making systems are able to protect systems from known and unknown cyber attacks. This research will conclude by considering the future potential of Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity.</p> Dendy Jonas, Natasya Aprila Yusuf, Achani Rahmania Az Zahra Copyright (c) 2023 International Transactions on Education Technology Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000