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The Use of Data Science in Digital Marketing Techniques: Work Programs, Performance Sequences and Methods.
Corresponding Author(s) : Muhammad Faisal
Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA Journal),
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA)
Over the past decade, there have been tremendous advances in the use of data science to facilitate decision making and extract and thus act upon insights from large data sets in digital business environments. However, despite these advances, there is still a lack of relevant evidence on actions to improve data science management in digital businesses. To fill this gap in the literature. The purpose of this study is to review (i) analytical methods, (ii) usage, and performance metrics based on (iii). Data science used in digital business techniques and strategies. To this end, a comprehensive literature search was carried out on the important scientific contributions made so far in this area of research. The results provide an overview of the most important applications of data science in digital business. Generate insights related to the creation of innovative data mining and knowledge discovery techniques. Important theoretical implications are discussed and a list of topics for further research in this area is provided. This report aims to develop recommendations for enhancing digital business strategies for enterprises, marketing, and non-technical researchers, and identify directions for further research on innovative data mining and discovery applications in science.
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- I. G. Salimyanova et al., “Economy digitalization: Information impact on market entities,” Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 654–658, 2019.
- Q. Aini, S. Riza Bob, N. P. L. Santoso, A. Faturahman, and U. Rahardja, “Digitalization of Smart Student Assessment Quality in Era 4.0,” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1.2, pp. 257–265, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/3891.22020.
- Q. Aini, M. Yusup, N. P. L. Santoso, A. R. Ramdani, and U. Rahardja, “Digitalization Online Exam Cards in the Era of Disruption 5.0 using the DevOps Method,” Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST), vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 67–75, 2021.
- V. G. Khalin and G. v Chernova, “Digitalization and its impact on the Russian economy and society: advantages, challenges, threats and risks,” Administrative Consulting, 2018.
- S. Watini, H. Latifah, D. Rudianto, and N. A. Santoso, “Adaptation of Digital Marketing of Coffee MSME Products to Digital Transformation in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, pp. 23–32, 2022.
- M. Mehrvarz, E. Heidari, M. Farrokhnia, and O. Noroozi, “The mediating role of digital informal learning in the relationship between students’ digital competence and their academic performance,” Comput Educ, vol. 167, p. 104184, 2021.
- U. Rahardja, A. N. Hidayanto, P. O. H. Putra, and M. Hardini, “Immutable Ubiquitous Digital Certificate Authentication Using Blockchain Protocol,” Journal of Applied Research and Technology, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 308–321, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.22201/icat.24486736e.2021.19.4.1046.
- M. R. Anwar, M. Yusup, S. Millah, and S. Purnama, “The Role of Business Incubators in Developing Local Digital Startups in Indonesia,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, pp. 1–10, 2022.
- I. Faridah, F. R. Sari, T. Wahyuningsih, F. P. Oganda, and U. Rahardja, “Effect Digital Learning on Student Motivation during Covid-19,” in 2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2020, pp. 1–5.
- M. R. R. Adam, T. Handra, and M. Annas, “Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser Dan Periklanan Terhadap Brand Image (Peran Digital Marketing),” Technomedia Journal, vol. 7, no. 2 Oktober, pp. 53–65, 2022.
- A. Dudhat, N. P. L. Santoso, S. Santoso, and R. Setiawati, “Blockchain in Indonesia University: A Design Viewboard of Digital Technology Education,” Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 68–80, 2021.
- U. Rahardja, S. Sudaryono, N. P. L. Santoso, A. Faturahman, and Q. Aini, “Covid-19: Digital Signature Impact on Higher Education Motivation Performance,” International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 4, no. 1, May 2020, doi: 10.29099/ijair.v4i1.171.
- A. Himki, T. Ramadhan, Y. Durachman, and E. S. Pramono, “Digital Business Entrepreneurship Decisions: An E-Business Analysis (A Study Literature Review),” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, pp. 107–113, 2022.
- U. Rahardja, Q. Aini, F. Budiarty, M. Yusup, and A. Alwiyah, “Socio-economic impact of Blockchain utilization on Digital certificates,” Aptisi Transactions on Management (ATM), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 106–111, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.33050/atm.v5i2.1508.
- Y. Shino, C. Lukita, K. B. Rii, and E. A. Nabila, “The Emergence of Fintech in Higher Education Curriculum,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, 2022.
- V. Elmanda, A. E. Purba, Y. P. A. Sanjaya, and D. Julianingsih, “Efektivitas Program Magang Siswa SMK di Kota Serang Dengan Menggunakan Metode CIPP di Era Adaptasi New Normal Pandemi Covid-19,” ADI Bisnis Digital Interdisiplin Jurnal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 5–15, 2022.
- D. Susilawati and D. Riana, “Optimization the Naive Bayes Classifier Method to diagnose diabetes Mellitus,” IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 78–86, 2019.
- U. Rahardja, Q. Aini, and S. Maulana, “Blockchain innovation: Current and future viewpoints for the travel industry,” IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 8–17, 2021.
- I. Handayani and R. Agustina, “Starting a Digital Business: Being a Millennial Entrepreneur Innovating,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 2, 2022.
- S. Nikhar and A. M. Karandikar, “Prediction of Heart Disease Using Different Classification Techniques,” Aptikom Journal on Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 68–74, 2017.
I. G. Salimyanova et al., “Economy digitalization: Information impact on market entities,” Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 654–658, 2019.
Q. Aini, S. Riza Bob, N. P. L. Santoso, A. Faturahman, and U. Rahardja, “Digitalization of Smart Student Assessment Quality in Era 4.0,” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1.2, pp. 257–265, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/3891.22020.
Q. Aini, M. Yusup, N. P. L. Santoso, A. R. Ramdani, and U. Rahardja, “Digitalization Online Exam Cards in the Era of Disruption 5.0 using the DevOps Method,” Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST), vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 67–75, 2021.
V. G. Khalin and G. v Chernova, “Digitalization and its impact on the Russian economy and society: advantages, challenges, threats and risks,” Administrative Consulting, 2018.
S. Watini, H. Latifah, D. Rudianto, and N. A. Santoso, “Adaptation of Digital Marketing of Coffee MSME Products to Digital Transformation in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, pp. 23–32, 2022.
M. Mehrvarz, E. Heidari, M. Farrokhnia, and O. Noroozi, “The mediating role of digital informal learning in the relationship between students’ digital competence and their academic performance,” Comput Educ, vol. 167, p. 104184, 2021.
U. Rahardja, A. N. Hidayanto, P. O. H. Putra, and M. Hardini, “Immutable Ubiquitous Digital Certificate Authentication Using Blockchain Protocol,” Journal of Applied Research and Technology, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 308–321, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.22201/icat.24486736e.2021.19.4.1046.
M. R. Anwar, M. Yusup, S. Millah, and S. Purnama, “The Role of Business Incubators in Developing Local Digital Startups in Indonesia,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, pp. 1–10, 2022.
I. Faridah, F. R. Sari, T. Wahyuningsih, F. P. Oganda, and U. Rahardja, “Effect Digital Learning on Student Motivation during Covid-19,” in 2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2020, pp. 1–5.
M. R. R. Adam, T. Handra, and M. Annas, “Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser Dan Periklanan Terhadap Brand Image (Peran Digital Marketing),” Technomedia Journal, vol. 7, no. 2 Oktober, pp. 53–65, 2022.
A. Dudhat, N. P. L. Santoso, S. Santoso, and R. Setiawati, “Blockchain in Indonesia University: A Design Viewboard of Digital Technology Education,” Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 68–80, 2021.
U. Rahardja, S. Sudaryono, N. P. L. Santoso, A. Faturahman, and Q. Aini, “Covid-19: Digital Signature Impact on Higher Education Motivation Performance,” International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 4, no. 1, May 2020, doi: 10.29099/ijair.v4i1.171.
A. Himki, T. Ramadhan, Y. Durachman, and E. S. Pramono, “Digital Business Entrepreneurship Decisions: An E-Business Analysis (A Study Literature Review),” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, pp. 107–113, 2022.
U. Rahardja, Q. Aini, F. Budiarty, M. Yusup, and A. Alwiyah, “Socio-economic impact of Blockchain utilization on Digital certificates,” Aptisi Transactions on Management (ATM), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 106–111, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.33050/atm.v5i2.1508.
Y. Shino, C. Lukita, K. B. Rii, and E. A. Nabila, “The Emergence of Fintech in Higher Education Curriculum,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 1 April, 2022.
V. Elmanda, A. E. Purba, Y. P. A. Sanjaya, and D. Julianingsih, “Efektivitas Program Magang Siswa SMK di Kota Serang Dengan Menggunakan Metode CIPP di Era Adaptasi New Normal Pandemi Covid-19,” ADI Bisnis Digital Interdisiplin Jurnal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 5–15, 2022.
D. Susilawati and D. Riana, “Optimization the Naive Bayes Classifier Method to diagnose diabetes Mellitus,” IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 78–86, 2019.
U. Rahardja, Q. Aini, and S. Maulana, “Blockchain innovation: Current and future viewpoints for the travel industry,” IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 8–17, 2021.
I. Handayani and R. Agustina, “Starting a Digital Business: Being a Millennial Entrepreneur Innovating,” Startupreneur Bisnis Digital, vol. 1, no. 2, 2022.
S. Nikhar and A. M. Karandikar, “Prediction of Heart Disease Using Different Classification Techniques,” Aptikom Journal on Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 68–74, 2017.