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Formatting and Writing: The article must be written in English and formatted in a single column. The author’s name should not be included in the article but must be provided in the article metadata on the Open Journal System (OJS) website. Authors are required to complete their profile on the OJS website, which includes First, Middle, and Last Name (If the author has only one name, enter the same name in both the first and last name fields), Gender, Initial, Username, Password, Affiliation (University or Institution), Email, Mailing Address (complete affiliation address: street name, city, province, and postal code), Country, and Bio Statement (Department or Faculty).
Article Structure: The article should contain the following sections: TITLE, ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, and REFERENCES. Alternatively, authors may use their own subsections that align with these sections.
TITLE: The title should succinctly describe the content of the research and attract academic readers. The title should consist of 8-12 words, excluding definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) articles. Use phrases rather than complete sentences.
ABSTRACT: The abstract is a brief summary of the article. It should include the research objective, methodology, key findings, and conclusion. Implications or recommendations may also be included. The abstract should be 150-250 words in length and should not contain extensive background information, references to figures, tables, equations, or any bibliographical references. The language should be clear and concise, providing a stand-alone summary in one paragraph.
KEYWORDS: Keywords should consist of important or specific words or phrases found primarily in the title and abstract but may also come from the article. Each article should include 3-5 keywords.
INTRODUCTION: The introduction should provide context on what is already known from previous studies, establish the significance of the study, include a literature review, and state the research objectives. The introduction must discuss relevant journal articles (with citations) and summarize the current understanding of the problem to demonstrate the novelty of the research.
RESEARCH METHOD: The methods section should clearly describe how the research was conducted. It should include a clear research design, replicable research procedures, and a description of how the data were summarized and analyzed.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results section should objectively present the key findings of the research without interpretation, using text, tables, and figures. The results should begin with text, present the key findings, and refer to tables and figures. Tables should not be screenshots, must include specific numerical values, compare and contrast values, and have a minimum of 2 rows and columns. Figures should be clear (provide the original file as a supplementary file during article submission) and highlight trends, patterns, and relationships. The results should demonstrate how the validity and reliability of the data were ensured.
The discussion should interpret the results in the context of what was already known and explain the new understanding of the problem after considering the results. The discussion should connect back to the introduction, illustrating how the study contributes to the body of knowledge and society.
CONCLUSION: The conclusion should provide an answer or clarification to the research questions and suggest opportunities for future research.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Authors should acknowledge any funding sources that supported the research and may also acknowledge external reviewers of their drafts.
REFERENCES: References should consist of 80% relevant and recent primary sources (such as journal or conference articles from the last 5 years). Citations and references should follow the IEEE style and be managed using reference management software (e.g., Mendeley, Zotero). However, some adjustments may be made to suit the needs of Journal ITALIC. A quick guide and examples are provided below. The examples are randomly selected from various sources and are intended for illustrative purposes only. They do not reflect the Editorial Board’s views or preferences.
The template of ITALIC can be downloaded here.
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Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ITALIC)
E-ISSN : 2963-1939, P-ISSN : 2963-6086
Supported by IAIC Bangun Bangsa (IBB) Published by Pandawan Sejahtera Indonesia Website:
Email: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) |