Ethical Considerations in the Development of AI-Powered Healthcare Assistants


  • Jett Lee Willson IJIIS Incorporation
  • Asher Nuche IJIIS Incorporation
  • Riya Widayanti Esa Unggul University



artificial intelligence, Health assistants, Ethical, Considerations, Healthcare


Advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the development of increasingly sophisticated health assistants that can provide support in diagnosis, treatment and general health management. However, as with the use of new technologies in the healthcare context, ethical considerations play an important role in the design, development, and implementation of AI-based health assistants. In this paper, we investigate various ethical considerations associated with the development of AI-based healthcare assistants. We explore issues such as the privacy and security of patient data, transparency and accountability in decision making, and the social and psychological impact of reliance on technology in the healthcare context. We also discuss efforts that can be taken to address these ethical challenges, including the development of appropriate regulatory guidelines, ongoing monitoring of system performance, and education and training for health professionals and end users. By seriously considering ethical aspects in the development of AI-based healthcare assistants, we hope to ensure that this technology can provide maximum benefit to patients while maintaining the ethical and moral values that underlie good healthcare practices.


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How to Cite

Willson, J. L., Nuche, A., & Widayanti, R. (2024). Ethical Considerations in the Development of AI-Powered Healthcare Assistants. International Transactions on Education Technology (ITEE), 2(2), 109–119.